Monday, March 30, 2009

Clarity is all I Crave

If only there was a blueprint to follow...
If only my future was transparent...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No Love Lost

Love wins.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chicago or Bust!

5 months til move in!

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Note to Future Self

Dear Meredith,

It is important that you recognize your innate quickness to run. Whenever you sense things moving towards a stand still, you head off in an entirely new direction. You'll do anything to keep moving.

Your soul desires motion. Your spirit craves action. And not just any action, meaningful action. This will always serve you well as you seek to create, advocate, and lead. But you must be cautious. You grow bored far too quickly. Often, you look toward the next hill before you finish crossing the present one. You have a history of sprinting from one thing to the next. Sometimes, God calls us to stay put for a while, however. Metamorphosis takes place in the context of relationships, and relationships take time.

I know the future excites you. You want to leave this place and start a life of your own. But don’t forget the past or who you have become because of it.

Don’t run,


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ready to Throw in the Towel

i suffer from...

S. E. N. I. O. R. I. T. I. S.

College, SAVE ME!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

And one day, they will know the reason for the hope that we have.

hunger. war. disease. lust. the six year old sex slave in mumbai. loneliness. murder. deceit. the power hungry dictator. divorce. hate. cheating. jealousy. insecurity. vain conceit. the woman dying of aids. slander. jihad. the lawyer who lies to get ahead. drug abuse. false idols. famine. the widow in the house next door. stds. heartache. tolerance. poverty. homosexuality. abortion. free sex. child soldiery. genocide. the orphan. depression. the single mom struggling to pay rent. alcoholism. suicide. violence. porn. homelessness. prostitution. racism. infant mortality. the man with no hope, no sense of purpose.

this world is hurting.
this world is confused.
this world is failing them.
this world needs
the hope, the joy, the love, the peace solely found in