Saturday, May 30, 2009


so andrew and i have this tradition... it's called SCRIPPS NATIONAL SPELLING BEE! and it happened... TODAY. it has to be the most amusing, awkward, hilarious t.v. moment of every year. i mean seriously, where else can you watch hundreds of socially inept, lanky, genius middle schoolers compete for a trophy that will shoo them into Harvard?! this year's winner was KAVYA SHIVASHANKAR. congrats! you should start receiving offers from colleges as of monday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's the Africa in Me.

Never have I wanted to be somewhere so desperately.
Africa my Africa,
I dream of you.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Trust Fall.

Change has always invigorated me. Training wheels to two-wheelers. Passenger to driver. Suburbia to city. Broken to redeemed. I am who I am because of the change God has placed in my life. Without last summer, I would not be impregnated with a passion for politics. If I had not lobbied against child soldiery in northern Uganda, I would never have known Christ’s calling on my life. Devoid of Christian High School, I would not have the beautiful friends and mentors I have today. If change has been such a positive element in my life, why has it become my biggest fear?

For the past year, all I have wanted to do is move out, head off to college, and experience change. Moody Bible Institute. New friends. Chicago. A completely alternative lifestyle. But now, as I prepare to spend the entire summer in California and with less than 100 days left until I move to Chicago, all I want to do is cling to today. I don’t want to leave my family, high school, church, or friends. Life is so comfortable. I want things to stay the same, unchanged.

I’ve always thought it important to embrace faith- to allow God to write my life story and mold me into me. But recently, I haven’t trusted God the way I should. I’VE been making the calls in my life. I haven’t been surrendering. I haven’t let Him be everything. So Jesus, as hard as this is for me, I give you my future. I completely trust that You are going to make something out of my life and use me to further your Kingdom. I believe you’ll use San Francisco and Chicago to grow me. I know Your unrelenting love is going to see me through. It always has…
So go ahead. CHANGE ME!