Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Making of a Moment

I wish I could control time, rather than be controlled by it. To speed along anxiety and sorrow. Slow it down to let love linger and speed it up to mend wounds.

Oh, how I wish I had time in my pocket! I would be perpetual. A god. But this is not the case. I am the broken. A wailing soul. I am the poor one.

I am loosing my life because I want the future to be now. I want seasons to change sooner than the sun sets. To enter a time machine and blast forward a couple of years. I want life as it is to become a blur.

I cannot live in any other time, but the present. I cannot bring the future to hand any sooner than was set at the Beginning.

Yet, I can shape the present. Tomorrow approaches and I realize I barely saw yesterday. I flip the calendar, but the past is almost invisible.

So here am I. Here is me. I do not wish to wish away today, for today is all I have. And without today, I would not be who I am tomorrow, for every moment defines who I am.

Not to say I will not hope for the future or consider the past, but rather I will live with the realization that the present is where I will always reside. And with that in mind, make the most of every moment.

May we not unintentionally waste away our consecration by living in the future or hanging in the past; but instead embrace the minute that lies before us. May God’s grace keep us in our today with the blissful hope of tomorrow.

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."

-Mother Teresa


Emilie said...

meredith i love you

Emily said...

Meredith, your an incredible writer. Beautiful, yes yes, you're beautiful.